Today, we want to show two additional functions that make simulation of conductive heat transfer in our QuickerSim CFD Toolbox yet easier. We have added them to the new release which will be published in a couple of days at our Matlab Central download page. However, you can also refer to toolbox’ homepage for more details.
If you want to solve heat conduction with a prescribed temperature value at the boundary, you should simply use our ‘value’ boundary condition.
[K, F] = imposeScalarBoundaryCondition2D(p,e,K,F,87,'value',-20);
If you need to specify generalized Neumann condition (i.e. the Robin or third type boundary condition), type simply the line below.
[K, F] = imposeScalarBoundaryCondition2D(p,e,K,F,86,'robin',80,4);
The whole pdf tutorial for solving heat transfer in MATLAB for a general geometry with our CFD Toolbox can be found after downloading documentation from the homepage.

Heat transfer in open source toolbox