Turbulent flows are prevail in nature. They play a key role in many branches of technology such as vehicle aerodynamics, aerospace and turbomachinery. The complex nature of turbulence presents many difficulties both for numerical computation and product design. QuickerSim CFD Toolbox for MATLAB provides a selection of tools for simulation of turbulent flows in many engineering applications making it easier to assess the key properties of a flow. Our software covers basic RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes) turbulence models.
For now, those models include:
- van Driest
- k-l Prandtl’s mixing length
- Srebric (for environmental turbulence)
Turbulent models can be simply linked with convective heat transfer and passive scalar transport, making more complex cases accessible. That enables design of heat exchangers and Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) cases. Our CFD Software also contains boundary layer generation functions that are crucial for turbulent flows modelling. They allow mesh refinement in the near-wall region of computation grids generated in external software. Their simple and user-friendly format allows fast mesh modification even for less experienced users. The open structure of the QuickerSim CFD Toolbox combined with MATLAB’s work environment and postprocessing tools facilitate implementation of custom turbulence models and supplementary functions.
To find out more about simulating turbulent flows and available turbulence models visit our tutorial page.

Case 1: Simulation of the flat plate boundary layer development using the van Driest model. Velocity profile, computational mesh and comparison to reference data shown.